Richie Hawtin chiude la sua agenzia di booking

clonkCon un messaggio apparso sul sito ufficiale e riportato anche sulla pagina Facebook è stata annunciata la chiusura dell’agenzia di booking, la ‘Clonk‘. Fondata nel 2004 dal biondo della scena tecnho, Richie Hawtin e da Katrin Schlotfeldt (un trascorso come agente per conto della Cocoon), “negli anni sono stati raggiunti tanti traguardi come quelli dei nostri artisti che sono cresciuti nella vita professionale e privata” come recita una delle tante righe del comunicato. Non si conosce il motivo della chiusura dell’agenzia che vedeva al suo interno membri come Ambivalent, Barem, Gaiser, Heartthrob, Hobo, Matador, Max Cooper, Paco Osuna, Plastikman e Tale of Us.

Ecco il comunicato integrale:

Dear friends & partners,

Change is afoot and after 9 successful years we have decided to close down the operations at our Agency, CAB CLONK Artist Booking GmbH, and move on to the next challenges of life & career developments.

It’s been an incredible adventure as we’ve seen all of our artists grow to new heights in each of their artistic & life careers. It has been an extreme pleasure working with all of our artists and helping not only develop their performance careers, but also bring them to a level where they too have the ability to move forward each in their own individual way. We wish all the luck to all of our artists, past & present, and look forward to watching how each of them will continue on their own unique path.

We also wish all of the CLONK:: staff all the luck in their next endeavours and thank them all deeply for their passion, handwork and ever-lasting support!

We would also like to thank all of our partners & friends within the scene, at the clubs, the promoters, the staff for supporting our artists over the years!

For information on new Booking & Performance contacts for many of our artists, please read below.

Kindest & warmest regards,
Richie Hawtin & Katrin Schlotfeldt